During the winter months, it might feel like a constant battle to keep your home comfortable, especially if the windows are long past their prime. One of the best things you can do might be to get Seattle, WA replacement windows. But another thing to keep in mind is the importance of window maintenance – even in winter. It is not the time to overlook your windows. Here are some things you can do to keep your windows in top shape this winter.
1. Regular Window Inspections
Once a month you should take the time to inspect each one of your windows. That means testing them for easy operation, but also inspecting them for any cracks, warp, condensation, or similar issues. Routine inspections allow you to spot issues while they are small and before they develop into something more serious. So look closely and pay attention to any changes that could impact the operation, functionality, and insulation of your windows.
2. Keep Windows Clean
We know, getting outside to clean the windows is not always a top priority – especially in the dead of winter. But it is still just as important to remove dirt and debris. Just note, you can’t use hot water to wash a cold window. This could cause more damage and leave you with some broken glass or a broken seal. So be sure to wash with warm or cool water and some mild detergent. You will also want to dry the windows as soon as they are clean so moisture doesn’t collect and freeze. You might even consider switching to a vinegar or alcohol-based cleaner during the winter to help prevent icing.
3. Replace Caulk and Weather Stripping
During the inspection of the windows, you might notice some of the caulk or weather stripping is worn out. This could result in air leaks or moisture damage. So it is important, especially in winter, to make sure your caulk and weather stripping are intact. This will improve insulation, increase comfort, and reduce energy losses.
4. Insulating Window Coverings
Another way to improve the maintenance of windows this winter is with insulating window coverings. Some of the most popular options include thicker curtains or cellular window shades. These window treatments will help keep the cold out of the rooms in your house.
5. Replace Inefficient Windows
Tired of having to worry about winter-proofing old windows every year? It might be time to get replacement windows and install high-performance products with better insulating technologies. Modern replacement windows come with advanced upgrades to make the home more comfortable and reduce the need for excessive heating and cooling.
Still, stressing about how to winterize your old windows? Worried about leaks and energy losses this winter? It might be time for Seattle, WA replacement windows. Our team of experts can help you find the right products for your home. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation. You can learn more about our products and which replacement windows we install.