According to an ABC News story, home improvement/construction is the #2 most complained about industry. Only the auto industry has a worse reputation. That means that our industry gets more complaints than airlines or cable TV.
Why is the home improvement industry one of the most complained about industries? We believe it’s because there isn’t a consistent set of industry standards.
Let’s talk about your windows. Over 80% of a window system is not visible. As a result, it’s easy for less-than-reputable contractors to hide shoddy work, cut corners, or accept marginal work and call it good. When customers start experiencing the effects of the contractor’s poor workmanship, he closes up shop, then reopens the business under a new name.
That’s why we created our own standards and put them in writing. You can receive a copy of our Contractor Standards Guide by e-mailing us at or calling 253.887.7792.
In our Contractor Standards Guide, you’ll find everything you need to judge any window and door company in Seattle, Bellevue, Kirkland, Sammamish, Tacoma — or anywhere else for that matter. Our Guide includes a handy checklist to help you evaluate contractors.
Use the Guide and its checklist to determine if the contractors you are considering are qualified to perform work on your home. That includes us.
You can request a copy of our Contractor Standards Guide by
e-mailing us at or calling 253.887.7792.